Using L7 Networks R2000 Router as bridge within LAN

Thanks to the folks at Cameo Communications and their article – I managed to set up my on TM Unifi L7NR2000 router as a bridge on my home LAN today.

I have tried to look at the settings of the WAN port and didn’t realised that it was set up on a different MAC address as the rest of the LAN port. To set up the device as a bridge, make sure the followings:

  1. WAN port is not connected.
  2. Disable UPNP and DHCP on the L7NR2000.
  3. Set the device to have a fixed IP on a LAN (through the network settings tab, not the internet setting). Enable DNS relay. If your new Unifi router now use then set this to something high enough so that it does not interfere with existing devices.
  4. Remember to save settings before you leave each of the page.
  5. Connect a network cable to the Unifi router on a LAN port and reboot.
  6. You can then set up the Wifi on L7NR2000 in the usual way. I am not sure how to set up WDS or whethere it is possible to make it into a WDS.

I now have two PCs hooked up to the L7NR2000 while itself connected to the DLINK DIR-619L in the living room through a pre-built CAT5 tunneling.